Registered players

Under 16 - per 15 e 16 anni

2024-05-05 - 2024-05-05

This page contains the players that joined the tournament using the service offered by this site. However the players can register using alternative ways. The whole list of actual registered players can be found here. The ratings are those at the moment of the registration and will be updated by the arbiter.

Event Page

↕ N ↕ NameFedByearTitle↕ FIDE RtgFIDE ID↕ Nat. RtgNat ID Club/Origin
1PERLI TOMMASOITA2008CM2002285993492002203659
2ADDANTE FRANCESCOITA20082N1732285401151732188866
3MORA FLAVIAITA20082N160328982471603177285
4GLERIDIS ALEXANDROSITA20093N1566234049061566205921
5Heid AnnaITA2009NC1512285884520
6Venturini CristianITA2009NC000213065