Registered players
IX Open del Borgo

Open A > 1999

2024-01-10 - 2024-02-21

This page contains the players that joined the tournament using the service offered by this site. However the players can register using alternative ways. The whole list of actual registered players can be found here. The ratings are those at the moment of the registration and will be updated by the arbiter.

Event Page

↕ N ↕ NameFedByearTitle/Cat↕ FIDE RtgFIDE ID↕ Nat. RtgNat ID
1TRIPODI ENZOITA2003CM211928226742119156015
2Bringas Osuna, Ivan JarekMEX1990211951113150
3BRIATA FEDERICOITA1998CM21088741242108137003
4GOLA GIORGIOITA2007CM206728359112067167730
5ROTONDARO ALBERTOITA2006CM205628359382056167733
6Alibabaei, SasanIRI19992025125875400
7MORDIGLIA RICCARDOITA1968CM20248047032024102203
8SORCINELLI FRANCESCOITA1981M20018144662001102175
9MANCO DAVID JONATAN ANDRESITA19891N19718982441971148030
10FASSIO LUCA CESAREITA1976CM19648065101964105743